Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Memory of a young Namboodiri

An ancient house of stone
And a statue of stone.
Incessant chanting in a dead language,
Flames dancing in the dying day,
The kiss of incense on the quietened soul.

He arrives after his ritual bath,
Honest: in wet thin cladding.
Caresses and adorns the stone
In gold, silk and sandalwood paste.
He bathes, feeds and worships the stone.

The young watch and their spirits move,
In tender, exciting, rising piety.
Hands folded, eyes wandering,
Foreheads ablaze with godliness,
The hair on his chest gripping their hearts,
The mysticism of his chanting
And the purity of his lineage
As potent as an aphrodisiac.

They worship the man as much as the stone.